Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A lot of hope

Today, we are a lot more hopeful as Tim the director called and said we are 98% sure for travel on January 10th. Mary and I have been working to book tickets and the hotel. Sandy our travel agent found some great tickets. Friday, we should have official word as our agent needs to travel to the Orphanage to sign some documents. For the next two days we will be working on the visa applications and I will be going to the embassy on Friday to expedite the visas.

We are hoping that our next few days will be a lot of rush as we worked towards that travel date. This is a great New Years gift. The good news is that we will be in Vietnam to celebrate her first birthday if everything goes to plan!

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers you have made the journey to Elizabeth a lot easier and hopefully soon we will be posting pictures of her smile on the web site.

Happy New Year to all!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30 -- hoping for a New Years Gift

Today, we chatted with Tim the Executive Director of New Beginnings. He said our case is in better shape than the other family -- our hearts and prayers goes out to them.

We have not received a G&R date and Tim has not heard from our contact on the ground. He plans to call him this evening or tomorrow morning. We have a checkpoint tomorrow morning with Tim. If we understand correctly we are in a 10 day wait period for the G&R so hopefully we will hear something by 1/5/2009.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers -- it really means a lot to see so much support.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic

Today (12/23), we learned that our paperwork was approved. It takes about 10 days for us to receive our G&R date. We are cautiously optimistic and will not believe it until we have our official travel date. Next Checkpoint is Tuesday 12/30.

Monday, December 22, 2008

December 22

Elizabeth turned 11 months old today. We are cautiously optimistic that our paper work has moved forward. We spoke with our director today and he said that some of the paperwork moved forward. He is going to call Vietnam tomorrow since he would like some more clarification. Hopefully tomorrow we will know more.

I would like to thank Steve, Carol and Samantha for their hospitality and to enable me to have my Samantha fix. Samantha, Steve and I were looking at the blog and the pictures of Elizabeth and Samantha in her 1 year old voice said -- "Whz tht" (we translated it to Who is that). We said your friend Elizabeth who we are hoping we will be able to bring home soon.

Hopefully soon we will have our G&R date and invitation to travel. We are hoping to travel in January and will remain cautiously optimistic. One day at a time.

Thank you for all of your support and prayers.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Looking ahead to December 22

December 22, Elizabeth turns 11 months old. We also have a checkpoint with the director in the morning. Hopefully we will hear about the next steps or action plans to help break the deadlock within the government.

We thank all of our family and friends for their support.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Let the escalations begin. We spoke with our director this week and we are now waiting for a letter to be sent to the People's committee. We are hoping that this will help break the deadlock and that our paper work will move forward. Our director is investigating other areas to push on for phase 2 of the escalation. Next checkpoint is next Tuesday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Delays, Delays, Delays

Today, we have a set back in which we learned "...that the different govt. organizations that process adoptions aren't very cooperative and they are fighting through every piece.
He says he is still prodding them along and will continue to do so until they complete it, but it might not be really quickly. He is doing everything he can to push."

One day at a time and we appreciate your support.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This year for Thanksgiving it is a hard year to face as we hoped that Elizabeth will be in our home or we would be on the way to Vietnam to pick her up. While that can get us down we know that there are so many wonderful things happening -- even when a situation looks dire there is always something positive.

The positives we have found are our family; a new friend you find on-line who supports you; a co-worker who listens to you for hours on end; a great friend who is just that great; a reunion of a college buddy. We can look and be upset that we are not getting our way or a friend is dealing with a dire situation at home that we just never understand why this happens -- or we can look around and realize all the wonderful gifts God has given us. All of you have helped us move forward to the next day. We think of all of you and pray that you are all happy.

This year I give thanks to you for all of your support!!
If I listed everyone I will be writing for a week -- so thank you! We are so blessed that we know each other.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank you Carol, Steve and Samantha

Today, Mary and I visited our friends Carol and Steve to see Samantha. OMG she is a cutie. It gives us so much hope that soon our adoption will happen. Mary said that I looked comfortable with Samantha. We played the alphabet song and with her shoes. Thank you for opening your home and family to us.

It is great to have such supportive friends who understand the issues with adoption and parenting in general.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The wait continues

To all of our family and friends. Thank you all for helping us get through this waiting period. As you can imagine it is hard because we just do not know anything or can plan to take the next steps.

We wish Carol, Steve and Samantha all the best as they have given us hope that adoptions do really happen. Samantha looks so beautiful. Here is a link to their blog -->

We pray for all the families in similar situations especially our friends in Canada. Hopefully soon we will have our date and we will know when we can travel.

We can all be looking at the things we are missing in our lives or we can stop and look at what we do have in our lives. While we do not have Elizabeth we are lucky to have the referral. We have great friends and that is what matters most.

I would like to thank all of my friends who have taken time out to listen or share a story. It really means a lot.

Thank you all for helping us with the wait.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Analogy of work/life balance

Read this with an open mind and with a smile.

Mary and I sat down with an adoption agency and we signed our DOU. Once we signed the DOU they said it looks like you would like to incorporate someone you did not create into your family. Before we were allowed to build your family we went off for our Open Source Education to make sure we can incorporate a child into our life. The agency wanted to make sure we were who we said we were. They called our friends, we showed tax forms, and came to interview us at the house. All of the data was collected and placed into our COO. Finally after months of waiting the phone rang and said we have a beautiful daughter for you. Our hearts stopped and I was driving home saying I am going to be a father.

We signed our DOU, completed our education and had all the signatures needed for the COO. We thought we were good to. On April 4th we received more paper work. Mary and I filled out the forms in one night and then I realized that the forms had changed. After entering our data in the LIDB we learned that we had to go to RPM. We printed off the new forms and filled them out. The next day they were expressed mailed. The agency took the Vietnamese paperwork and had to translate it to English. Elizabeth’s license was translated and accepted by the US Gov’t on June 3rd.

The clock started and we waited for our US import papers to be accepted. Many families we know had issues in the import process. We were lucky until the end of July when they said a part of our COO expired. Once the fingerprints were retaken the COO was valid. September 11th we received our import approval.

This week we learned that the Vietnamese government is working on the Export process. Hopefully soon they will accept that paperwork and we will be able to travel to Vietnam to pick up Elizabeth and bring her home.

We just have to hope that there are no patents pending. I have no clue how that process will work.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and citizens in Vietnam. Time magazine is reporting the death toll from a week of flooding across large sections of Vietnam rose to 92 on Wednesday (November 5) as life returned to normal in the capital, with flood waters receding and residents cleaning up their homes.,8599,1856696,00.html

Sunday, November 9, 2008

3rd set of pictures

Pictures from September -- she is growing so fast and we hope soon we have our G&R date

2nd set of pictures

Our 2nd set of pictures from June 2008.

Our First Pictures of Elizabeth

These are the first pictures we saw of Elizabeth back in April. She was born on January 22 and the pictures were taken January/Feb 2008

Journey to Elizabeth

Our Journey to Elizabeth started a few years ago when Mary and I agreed to start the adoption process. After almost 2 years of waiting, on April 4, 2008, we received a call that a 2 1/2 month old girl was available for adoption. April 7, 2008 we saw our first pictures of Elizabeth and we knew right then that she was meant to be our daughter.

Between April and June we waited for our paperwork to move from Vietnam to the US Embassy. June 3, 2008 we received word from the US Embassy that they have received our paperwork and would start to process the adoption to allow us to bring Elizabeth home. This was a very stressful period because at any time we could be rejected for the adoption. We had heard of others being denied. At the end of July we learned that our fingerprints expired. This caused us some panic and follow up with Homeland security. After a few weeks we received our date to get fingerprints retaken. The waiting then continued.

September 11, 2008 we received word that our I-600 was approved. This was approval from the United States to let us bring Elizabeth into the country. We thought that we were ready to travel. Not quite. We now had to wait for a G&R date. It is the court date in Vietnam where we would sign the paperwork officially adopting Elizabeth. As of now we are still waiting for that date to be established. November 1, 2008 -- there was flooding in Hanoi and our agent was not able to travel. Hopefully this week he will be able to get to the center to give us an update and help push for our G&R date. We are hoping to be over there by the end of November.

The adoption process is not easy. It tests who you are as a person; are you willing to fight for your child; are you willing to put your life on hold until that day comes when you become a family. Mary and I want to thank all of our family and friends for their support. We wouldn't have made it this far without you.